Gift Guide: Fantastic DVD Box Sets
As promised last week, I have another gift guide for you!
Maybe I'm old school, but I love DVDs (despite that I effectively burned up my last Roku player). I adore the bonus features and the swag and all that. Plus, some have some pretty rad packaging to boot.
Furthermore, a gift of a DVD box set is perfect for your introvert family members and friends, who'd much rather hole up with their television than ski or whatever other nonsense normal people do in the winter. (Winter: I'm not a fan.)
For Fans of Things That Are Awesome - The Bourne Trilogy
I have extremely strong feelings about the badassery of the three original Bourne movies, the only true Bourne movies. I love everything about this trilogy, including the amazing MINI Cooper car chase scene in the first film. This is a pretty slick box set, loaded with extras, including an anatomy of a car chase mini-documentary. (Swoon!)
Find it at Amazon
For Fans of The Wire - Homicide Life on the Street
We all know that The Wire is one of the best shows ever, but Homicide, its effective precursor, never gets enough recognition for what it achieved in the same setting on network television over the course of seven seasons. Homicide aired on Friday nights when I was in college and it resulted in my opting out of social activities every Friday (priorities, I have them). You'll see loads of people who are now quite well-known, including an incredible episode guest starring Vincent D'Onofrio early in the series. This is a very-nicely packaged box set that even includes the various crossover episodes with other NBC shows and the movie wrapping up the series.
For Fans of Silly Comedy - Undeclared
I've recommended Undeclared before, and I think it's a great gift for your favorite comedy nerd. It's got a ton of appearances by folks that are now very well know, with Amy Poehler's character of the deranged RA with a good heart being my favorite. College is a generally awkward time, and this half hour comedy shines a light on the absurd hilarity of it all.
For Fans of the Irreverent - Father Ted: The Definitive Collection
Father Ted is one of my all-time favorite series. It's absolutely bonkers and completely irreverent. We rewatch this series on the regular and die laughing every single time--it probably gets funnier with each rewatch. This newer box set has some nice features, including a documentary on the 2007 Tedfest. It's great--you should probably get this one for yourself.
For Fans of Banter - The Gilmore Girls Complete Series
So, everyone and their uncle knows about The Gilmore Girls and has seen it already, especially since it's now on Netflix. However, have you seen the DVD collection? It's super-cool! There's a hilarious handbook of Gilmore-isms and a whole bunch of fun extras, including one of Kirk's films and another on the fashions of the show. Plus, the packaging of the set is pretty adorable.
Note: Today only (12/19/2014), this is discounted 80% on Amazon.
Well, Duh - Friday Night Lights Complete Series
Obviously, if you have not forced all of your friends and family to watch The Best Television Series of All Time yet, you need to fix that ASAP. (For what it's worth, there are some good features included in this book set, particularly a featurette about the creation of East Dillon, as the series shifted in seasons 4 and 5.)

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