{Review} I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella — Clear Eyes, Full Shelves

{Review} I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella

I've Got Your NUmber by Sophia KinsellaOveridentifying with a Sophie Kinsella character is often a sign that you’re on the verge of:

a. a nervous breakdown
b. being arrested for fraud
c. Finnish Finnish Finnish
d. all of the above

Well, Finnish Finnish Finnish because I loved Kinsella’s latest, I’ve Got Your Number, and totally related to the main character, Poppy.

I mean, who isn’t absolutely, life-on-the-line dependent on their cell phone? Who doesn’t think the Lion King was the greatest musical?! And who hasn’t pretended they were an answering machine when accidentally picking up a call?

Crickets on the last one? Well, FINE. You’d be surprised how easy it is to pull off though.

I’ve read every Kinsella book and pretty much enjoyed all of them, so I may be a bit biased. She’s definitely my guilty pleasure read—well, my innocent guilty pleasure. This was before I discovered smutty romances last year… *ahem* (Hi, Victoria Dahl. Can’t wait to read about the STUD FARM later this year!) I always appreciate the basic good nature of Kinsella’s leads, even if at times they veer toward the ridiculous. Reading a Kinsella book is like catching up with an old girlfriend over drinks. You’re not going to have deep, meaningful revelations over vodka martinis, but you will have fun. And most importantly, you will laugh your ass off. Lesson #1 of I’ve Got Your Number: Never put a dyslexic in charge of printing up programs that include the word “hymn.”*

My favorite Kinsella book is hands down Can You Keep a Secret? I’ve Got Your Number is now my second. Sorry, Becky Bloomwood. Shopaholic went down like your credit rating. This book is a fun, escapist read that I’ll defend like I do my second third cocktail—I deserve it, damn it! 

Verdict: xxxxxxxxxx, or to translate Poppy talk, 4/5 stars. (aka Recommended)

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*Lesson #2: Footnotes are awesome.

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