Book Matchmaker: Roxanne Just Wants a Good Book
Y’all, I have really fallen off the book matchmaker wagon.
You see, the last chunk of submissions (probably around twenty) have been really, really hard. Like, how the hell am I supposed to find books for Janina, who’s basically read every book? Anyway, so y’all have basically stumped the band, so to speak.
So, I went through our (massive) backlog and found a bit of a gimme—a request from one of my clients and former students, Roxanne, who’s a very cool artist and all around creative thinker.
Roxanne filled out our handy-dandy—and extremely scientific—Book Matchmaker Questionnaire, here are her responses:
YA or Adult: Surprise Me
Genres: Contemporary, Historical, Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Paranormal, Mystery/Thriller, Magical Realism, Steampunk
Point-of-View/Narrative Style: First Person, Multiple POV, Epistolary (told wholly or partially though documents), Present Tense, Male POV, Main Character or Narrator, Female POV, Main Character or Narrator, Unreliable Narrator
Likes: “Bathtub mysteries that actually surprise me. Well done and documented historical (and hysterical) fiction. Learn-read ie. ” “How To Think Like Leonardo DaVinci.” “Coming of age or narrative memoir. Metaphysical or energy themes. Promotion of hope.
Dislikes: “When I read, I try not to think that hard, Sarah. I basically like to read well written material across any genre. I’m totally annoyed by lazy authors.”
Swoon Factor: 3
Gross-out Factor: 1
Smut Factor: 1
Fluff Factor: 3
The Results
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
I’ve never once thought about the interpretative, the storytelling aspect of life, of my life. I always felt like I was in a story, yes, but not like I was the author of it, or like I had any say in its telling whatsoever. You can tell your story any way you damn well please. It’s your solo.
The Sky is Everywhere is an odd book—people seem to have extreme reactions to it. I love it. It’s got a touch of magical realism but it’s also very accessible and has a strong theme of hopefulness.
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
Maybe memories should be left the way they are.
Jellicoe Road, by the brilliant Australian writer Melina Marchetta, is one of my all-time favorite books. One of the reasons for that is the fascinating unfolding of the main character’s backstory, which I know is something Roxanne particularly appreciates.
Riveted by Meljean Brook
I want to feel as if my guts are riveted rogether…
Okay, this is a romance. And I know Roxanne didn’t include romance in her request. And I know she’s requested a low level of smut, and there are some sexytimes in Meljean Brook’s Riveted. However, the third installment in Meljean Brook’s Iron Seas steampunk series has exemplary world-building and unusual character development. Give it a try!
{Amazon | Goodreads | CEFS Review}
The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino
Sometimes, all you had to do was exist in order to be someone’s saviour.
Sandra loves Keigo Higashino’s unusual mysteries, which are bestsellers in Asia. I think Roxanne will appreciate the smart main characters and unusual narrative style.
{Amazon | Goodreads | CEFS Review}
Far from You by Lisa Schroeder
my dreams.
The snowflakes
toss and tumble,
each different
and yet
the same.
We’ve mentioned it a thousand times or so, but Lisa Schroeder only writes awesome books and this one is Laura’s favorite. Far from You is one of Lisa’s verse novels, and it too has a very hopeful thread. I think Roxanne will particular enjoy the interesting supernatural/paranormal spin (though it’s not a “paranormal” book).
What do y’all think? I pretty much ignored Roxanne’s request for historical novels, but I think should would enjoy Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly, since it’s got that appealing time-slip element. I also wonder if she’d enjoy Tana French’s Dublin Murder Squad novels. And, I already hooked her up with C.K. Kelly Martin’s My Beating Teenage Heart, since she loved Come See About Me.
Let Roxanne know your suggestions in the comments!

Thoughts About That YA Book Buying Study